Writing Tips to Help with Writing

What comes to mind when you think of writing? For me, it’s a challenge to get something down on the blank page. But once I do get started, I want to keep going. Sometimes it’s a struggle to finish what I’ve started. Here are a few tips that have helped me with writing.

1.     Writing Groups

Libraries often host writing groups about once a month. I find them to be helpful as they hold me accountable. They allow me to share my work with others and get feedback. The librarians have prompts ready and may also invite authors to share their experiences, tips, and prompts to help with writing.

2.     Journaling

A journal can be useful for writing down thoughts and feelings. But it can also be used for taking notes of observations around you. Which you can use later for characters and scenes in your novel or short story. You can also use it for gratitude journaling.

3.     Poetry

You might be wondering how writing poetry can help you with writing. A good resource I watched is a Reedsy Live called “Using Poetry to Become a Better Writer,” which goes into further detail about how you can use poetry in your writing. As I got back into writing, poetry was easier for me to start with before transitioning to writing a story.

4.     Webinars

Webinars are a good resource to learn more about writing and publishing. Reedsy Live has useful webinars where you learn from publishing professionals and authors. The ones I’ve watched that I find useful are “How to Write Engaging Characters,” “How to Build a Productive Writing Habit,” and “How to Write a Draft Zero (and Silence Your Inner Editor).” There are other webinars here that you may find useful for your writing.

5.     Music

Having music playing in the background while you write may help you with writing. No matter what genre it is, it may help you concentrate on what you’re writing. Sometimes writing in silence can be your enemy as you may be overthinking too much. If you listen to music as you write, then you may not be as overwhelmed.

6.     Writing Workshops

Writing workshops are beneficial and can help you with writing. I have found most of these workshops for free on Eventbrite. Libraries may also host these workshops, either virtually or in-person. There are many writing workshops you can find virtually or in-person.

7.     Flash Fiction

Flash fiction is shorter than a short story as it leaves out extra details and is a quick read. You can learn more about flash fiction and how to write it through Reedsy here and here. It may help to write a few pieces of flash fiction before you write a novel or short story. You might be surprised by what you write. When I expanded a piece for my writing group, I didn’t expect it to become a sudden fiction piece.

8.     Breaks

If you’re struggling with a piece of writing, then take a break and come back to it later. Doing this helps clear your mind and you come back with a fresh perspective. You can also do this when you’re finished with a piece and the last thing you need to do is editing.

I hope these tips are useful to you in your writing journey. Although it may seem like you’re getting nowhere with your writing, getting something down on the blank page is an accomplishment. Even if you think you’re finished with a piece, you may discover ways in which it can be improved. I am proud of my poem and sudden fiction piece for one of my writing groups. So don’t forget to be proud of what you have written!

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