Author of the Week: Alice K. Boatwright
Hi Cozy Cat fans! This week we are presenting Alice K. Boatwright and her book: Under an English Heaven: An Ellie Kent Mystery.
Under an English Heaven is about Ellie Kent, who moves to an English Village to live with her new husband, Vicar Graham. Soon after moving, she discovers a body in the churchyard. The villagers claim they don't know the murdered man, and as a result they pin the suspicion onto Ellie. Now she must try and solve this murder to keep her name clear, also while trying to keep her new marriage alive.
Check out this excerpt!
"But the memorial that most often drew Ellie's gaze was one that a casual visitor would not even notice. It was a small bronze plaque that read: "Louise Greenhall Kent, 1971-2009, Beloved wife of Graham and mother of Isabelle, Faithful and loved servant of this parish." In case she ever happened to forget that there had been another Mrs. Kent before her, it was always there to remind her. She found it hard to imagine any such plaque would ever be mounted in her memory, but maybe, as Graham suggested, she underestimated her gifts."
Want to find out more about Ellie, her love life, and if she really murdered this unknown person? By Under an English Heaven at amazon:
Under an English Heaven isn't the only thing Alice has written. She has also written Collateral Damage which is 3 novellas about the effects of Vietnam War. Collateral Damage won the 2013 Bronze Award for Literary Fiction.
Alice used to live in Cotswolds. Now she likes to spend her time travelling between the United States and Paris
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