What Is the Coziest Animal?


We here at Cozy Cat Press are rather biased in our answer to this question. We obviously believe that cats are the coziest animals! But there are surely other animals that can vie for the “coziest” animal status, such as dogs, pandas, horses, bunnies, squirrels, chipmunks, monkeys and pigs. On the other hand, it is easy to label certain animals as totally “uncozy” such as sharks, snakes, spiders, octopi, bats, and leeches. I’m sure some of our readers could even make a case for the “coziness” of some rather nasty creatures.

Just what qualities does an animal need to be considered “cozy”? They need to be touchable, pettable, soft, quiet, cute, safe, and cuddly. Readers, we are sure, can add more necessary features to this list of “must haves” for the perfect cozy animal. Or, they may wish to argue with the list itself. After all, does a “cozy” animal have to be “quiet”? Can they be loud? Can they bark or bellow and still be cuddly? We are not sure.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on just what makes an animal truly “cozy”. And tell us if “coziness” is something you want in a pet. Also, we’d love to see photos of your favorite “cozy” animals.

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